There is a large selection of American sports in New York - in almost every major and popular sport there are up to two teams from New York, if nearby New Jersey is included there are sometimes more. Here is all the information about tickets and game times for the NBA, NHL, NFL, Yankees and Mets.

You can easily and conveniently buy tickets for basketball, American football or ice hockey from Europe at meintripnachenwyork.com .
NBA - Basketball Tickets CLICK HERE
NHL - Ice Hockey Tickets CLICK HERE
NFL - Football Tickets CLICK HERE
Yankees - Baseball Tickets CLICK HERE
Mets - Baseball Tickets CLICK HERE
When is the season for each sport?
In the following table you can see when the season is for baseball - MLB , basketball - NBA , ice hockey - NHL and football - NFL . During these months you can attend the teams' games. If the New York teams do not make it into the playoffs, their season will be shorter and may end one to one and a half months earlier.
When and how to purchase tickets?
Tickets for major sporting events can be expensive and difficult to obtain. To find decent seats at reasonable prices, it helps if you know how and when to look for tickets.
Are tickets really that hard to get?
Yes and no. Most tickets are available if a fan has a little know-how. Cost is of course a factor, but timing can be just as important, which is why knowing when leagues typically issue tickets can be the key to buying cheaply.
Can't I just buy tickets online?
Third-party companies such as Ticekt Master, StubHub, SeatGeek, etc. have successfully grown in recent years by offering a secondary ticket marketplace for fans to buy and sell tickets to events. It's a system with countless benefits - instant ticket downloads make it easy to get into an event at the last minute - but the laws of supply and demand often make what was once a bargain ticket unaffordable for the average fan.
Generally, the site that has the ticket you want at a lower price is the better one. So it's worth considering all your options before purchasing.
When should I check for tickets?
How long in advance regular tickets go on sale varies from league to league. Above you will find the table of when the season for each sport starts and ends.
How can I load bargains?
Buy tickets as early as possible, choose games that are not particularly attractive to spectators, e.g. Yankees vs Red Sox will always be sold out and expensive. Write us an email info@meintripnachnewyork.com we occasionally have remaining tickets.