Die Touristen Pre-Paid Karte von T-Mobile! Daten und SMS Flat

The tourist pre-paid card from T-Mobile! Data and SMS flat

prepaid cards for USA

T-Mobile offers the simplest and best plan for all USA visitors. For 30 USD you can surf unlimitedly, send messages and make calls on your cell phone for 1000 minutes.

You have the maximum speed 4G LTE until you use 2GB, from then on a slightly slower connection, 2G.

The Tourism plan includes unlimited international and domestic texts and 1,000 minutes of domestic calls, but does not include international calls. You will automatically be assigned a US number.

The plan expires automatically 3 weeks after activation. You don't have to cancel the plan.

You can buy the card locally in all T-Mobile stores or CLICK HERE

You can find the nearest T-Mobile store CLICK HERE

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