First the map of the park and the explanation of the legend. The light green, fine paths on the map are reserved for pedestrians and bicycles are not allowed to be ridden there. Bicycles are allowed on the green bold lines (sometimes shared with vehicles) and the orange paths are shared with pedestrians. The entire loop is approximately 10 km long. To rent a bike, you can come to our travel center, 324 W 47th, NY 10036 or on our homepage. CLICK HERE
The park is closed from 1 a.m. to 6 a.m. (1 a.m. to 6 a.m.), if you are caught in the park at that time you will usually get a ticket.
There is only one direction of travel, it is counterclockwise so it is not possible to cycle back. Note the green arrows on the map. There are some shortcuts if you don't want to cover the entire route.
If the road is shared with cars, please only use the cycle path. Vehicle traffic is generally stopped from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and after 7:00 p.m. every day and all weekend. Then you can use the entire road.
The speed limit is 20 miles per hour, just over 30 km/h, which should not be exceeded. Otherwise ...!
Children under 14 are required to wear a bicycle helmet. For others it is not mandatory.

There are public services and parking spaces for bicycles along the path. You can recognize them by the symbols on the map.
If you want to relax a little in between or enjoy the park, you can park or push your bike in the designated parking space.